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Grow in community as you explore new interests, pursue your passions, and strengthen your God-given talents.

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More Than a Game




We will honor and glorify God in all that we do


(Colossians 3:23-24)


We will express our unity in Christ in all our relationships


(Philippians 2:1-4)


We will demonstrate Christ-like wholeness, privately and publicly


(Proverbs 11:3)


We will model Jesus’ example of serving


(John 13:1-17)​

Student Clubs 

Our school offers clubs throughout the school year. Some clubs are held all year and others are held for a quarter or time period through the year. Club sign ups will begin during the month of September. Sign-ups will be posted on the notice board in the main hallway.



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Mission Trips

Mission trips have always been a part of Tri-City Christian Academy's educational and outreach program. It is our desire to help students learn lessons in the field of service that they could not learn in a textbook or from a teacher. It is vital to their growth that they experience, first hand, what it means to serve and to sacrifice for those who are in need. In the last couple of years we have partnered with other schools to participate in disaster relief, traveled to other countries to help build churches and schools, and went to Nicaragua to hold evangelistic meetings through Share Him.


Work Study Program

Our students learn valuable work skills through our work-study program. Working hard, being on time, and being accountable for your responsibilities are foundational in true education and prepare our students for workforce experiences. No matter where life takes our students, they'll be ready with experience, skills, and a strong work ethic. 

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